
“There Are Millions Of Alien Beings On Moon” According to Former CIA Pilot John Lear

A former CIA pilot John Lear gave part of his life to serve as a US Air Force pilot and then worked for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). In one of his interviews, John made a sensational announcement that Earth is a space prison and unlocked several moon mysteries. He also noted that in the universe, there are still a lot of inhabited planets of different levels of development.

Given that flights into space are carried out only within the same galaxy in which planet Earth is located, and even then at very short distances, therefore, it is not worth completely rejecting the information provided by John, because the government always has something to hide.

“There Are Millions Of Alien Beings On Moon” According to Former CIA Pilot John Lear

Planet Earth in space is considered as a prison for the inhabitants of various galaxies, and billions of creatures are referred to it as re-education. The man also said that on Earth, a person is serving his sentence from birth, and only with death is sent to a better world; a similar model of the world can be found in various religious systems, which in some cases confirms the information.

This statement by the CIA officer is worth noting: “The moon is an artificial body that was dragged to our planet, as a result of which an ice age broke out on Earth that killed all living things.” In fact, the circumstances of the appearance of the moon in outer space are not exactly known, and no one has seen the back of the moon. John also explained in his interview how Moon had been created in Jupiter and brought to Earth’s orbit about 15,000 years ago which was nearly around the last ice age. Also, he said that the Greys are on the moon also but mainly remain underground within huge laboratories.

According to him, Moon has a breathable atmosphere where around 250 million people live in huge cities and bases. And if you recall the flight of the Americans to the moon, then a lot of questions also arise, the answers to which only say that the Americans were not on moon, and if they were, then they definitely have something to hide. The officer claimed that in those days, NASA had no technology that could cross that Van Allen belt safely.

It is impossible to find material evidence in the words of John Lear, as he himself says that if he managed to get them, he would be immediately destroyed. During the Apollo 11 mission, there are a few peculiar accounts of the crew potentially encountering UFOs and strange phenomena. One of these events took place on the final day of approach to the moon, which has been retold by Aldrin, Armstrong, and Michael Collins.

The two astronauts initially assumed that they had spotted a stage of the Saturn V rocket, known as the S-IVB. However, Houston informed them that the S-IVB had been detached and was 6,000 miles away. Although Armstrong couldn’t discern the shape of the object because it was far away, the other astronauts debated whether it was a cylinder or L-shaped, like an open book. Another unusual report involves a supposed transcript of Armstrong and Aldrin witnessing extraterrestrial spacecraft and structures after exiting the lunar module, Eagle. The transcript reads as follows: (Source)

Armstrong and Aldrin From the Moon: “Those are giant things. No, no, no …. this is not an optical illusion. No one is going to believe this!”
Mission Control, Houston: “What…what…what? What the hell is happening? What’s wrong with you?”

Armstrong and Aldrin: “They’re here under the surface.”
Mission Control: “What’s there? Emission interrupted… interference control calling Apollo II.”

Armstrong and Aldrin: “We saw some visitors. They were there for a while, observing the instruments.”
Mission Control: “Repeat your last information.”

Armstrong and Aldrin: “I say that there were other spaceships. They’re lined up on the other side of the crater.”
Mission Control: “Repeat…repeat!”

Armstrong and Aldrin: “Let us sound this orbita ….. In 625 to 5…automatic relay connected… My hands are shaking so badly I can’t do anything. Film it? God, if these damned cameras have picked up anything… what then?”
Mission Control

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