
A Florida Resident Caught A Time Traveler on Camera

A Florida resident named Alex Schaal claims that his surveillance  cameras captured a possible time traveler.

Schaal rented this house and plot to rent it out to tourists, but so far no one lives there. Schaal himself lives in another house, which is 5 hours away from the area.

And recently, the security  camera system sent him a message about an intrusion into the territory of the rented property by an uninvited guest. When Schaal watched the video, he saw that an unfamiliar man had entered the property with a backpack and was wandering around the backyard.

Then this stranger entered the barn and… did not come out. The cameras continued to film the barn and other objects on the site for the next few hours, but this stranger never appeared anywhere else.

A Florida Resident Caught A Time Traveler on Camera - Real or Hoax?

Schaal then called the police. The cameras filmed how the police arrived, inspected the area, including the barn, but found no one.

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