Ancient Aliens

The Resurrection of Anunnaki King In The Sumerian Tablet

Scientists Discovered The Last Anunnaki King Inside A Tomb And They Are  Scared

and the other thing that he’s primarily about is giving the gifts of civilization this is what you human beings need to know in order to move on to the next level around 4,500 to 1900 bcee the Sumerian civilization flourished in southern Mesopotamia modern-day Iraq and is acknowledged as one of the earliest Advanced civilizations in human history renowned for its pioneering achievements in writing architecture and governance Suma left an indelible mark on subsequent cultures and civilizations the civilization was situated between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in a fertile flood plane often referred to as the cradle of civilization this Region’s rich soil and abundant Water Resources were crucial for developing early agriculture and urban settlements so what link brings the anunaki and the Sumerians together the concept of the anunaki primarily derives from Sumerian cuniform tablets the earliest known form of writing these texts offer detailed descriptions of the anunaki depicted as powerful deities who descended from the Heavens to interact with Humanity among these texts the enuma Elish although a Babylonian creation myth is heavily influenced by earlier Sumerian traditions this myth recounts the creation of the world and Humanity by gods some of whom are interpreted as the anunaki in this narrative the god Marduk who might be associated with the an Aki defeats the primordial chaos Dragon Tiamat and uses her body to form the heavens and the Earth following the establishment of order Marduk and the gods create humans from the blood of the god kingu tiamat’s Chief left tenant this Act of Creation is believed to have been done to Fashion humans as laborers for the gods relieving the Lesser gods of their burdensome tasks some theorists suggest that this myth reflects an ancient memory of genetic engineering by The anunaki Who created humans to serve their purposes the atrahasis Epic provides another significant account of human creation involving the anunaki according to this epic the anunaki gods led by enki create humans to Bear the toil of the Lesser Gods burdened with maintaining the Earth The Story begins with the Lesser Gods laboring to maintain the Earth growing increasingly discontented with their workload in response the high God enki proposes the creation of humans to alleviate their suffering humans are created from clay mixed with the blood of a slain God suggesting a divine origin that imbus humans with life and purpose this myth also includes a flood narrative where the god enlil displeased with human noise and Disobedience decides to exterminate Humanity with a great flood eni sympathetic to humans instructs atrasis to build an ark to survive the Deluge the survival of atrasis and his family ensures the continuation of human life a theme that resonates with later flood myths in various cultures the Sumerians are credited with remarkable achievements in various Fields including astronomy mathematics and metalogy their ability to chart celestial bodies develop a sophisticated calendar and Implement a base 60 numbering system demonstrates an advanced understanding of the universe that some believe was imparted by extraterrestrial beings their astronomical knowledge is particularly fascinating Sumerian Star Charts exhibit detailed knowledge of the movements of planets and stars some tablets even depict the heliocentric model of the solar system a concept not recognized by mainstream science until much later the mul upin tablets for instance contain detailed observations of celestial bodies and phenomena including the positions and movements of stars and planets which suggest a level of astronomical knowledge that is astonishing for their time in mathematics the Sumerians made several innovations that continue to influence us today their base 60 system is the basis for our 62nd minute 60-minute hour and 360° Circle this system’s complexity and utility suggest a deep understanding of mathematics that some argue could have been influenced by Advanced beings they also used sophisticated geometry in their architectural designs including the construction of ziggurats and urban planning which some theorists believe indicates Advanced external knowledge the Precision and scale of these structures are impressive hinting at an advanced understanding of geometric principles the Sumerians were also highly skilled in metalogy working with various Metals including gold silver copper and bronze their ability to create intricate jewelry weapons and tools from these Metals suggests Advanced metallurgical techniques that might have been influenced by the anunaki the quality and complexity of their metal work indicate a level of expertise that would be challenging without some form of advanced knowledge assistance additionally According to some theories humans were allegedly created to perform laborious tasks for the anunaki particularly in mining gold this precious metal was supposedly needed by the anunaki to repair their home planet’s atmosphere this idea ties into the advanced metallurgical skills of the Sumerians suggesting that their expertise in metal work might have had a more profound and possibly extraterrestrial origin Zechariah sitchin’s interpretations propos that the anunaki an advanced extraterrestrial race genetically engineered humans by combining their DNA with that of early.

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